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Issue 10


Issue Ten: Junk Food Redux

Do you find yourself gazing longingly at the chip aisle every time you visit the grocery store? Is there an ultra-processed and suspiciously delicious snack you just can’t get out of your head? If you answered yes, you’ve come to the right place. For our 10th Issue we’re coming full circle and revisiting the theme of our maiden issue, which was—you guessed it—Junk Food! Love it or hate it, it has most likely played a pivotal role at some point in your life—be it a greasy treat during childhood road trips, or a hot meal after a night of drinking. We here at CB are unabashedly in love with all things deep-fried, cheese-topped, and cheeto-filled. Join us on our junk food journey with this extra special issue which includes an exclusive zine featuring The Doughboys!